Supporting Charities Matters

Author: Adrian Brown

Chartered Financial Planner

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At MM Wealth, we are proud to support both local and national charities.   Recently the main charities we have donated to have been FareShare, Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) and Cambridgeshire Community Foundation (CCF)

FareShare, highlighted by Marcus Rashford’s ambassador work, has brought to our attention the reality that the most vulnerable communities are going without food especially due to the pandemic.  This doesn’t sit right with us at MM Wealth and we wanted to do our bit to help those in need.  FareShare tackle hunger by distributing surplus food to charities that turn it into meals, believing no good food should go to waste.  They have confirmed that our donation has enabled enough surplus food equivalent to 20,000 meals to be distributed to the most vulnerable members of our society.

Families are central to our values and we felt it was important to support the work of Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG).  CPAG support families across the country by giving frontline workers practical help with the social security system so families can stay afloat, in turn preventing children and their families forgoing meals in order to keep a roof over their heads.  With the cost of living crisis at present, CPAG confirmed our donation will be used to best help low income families who are feeling the pinch and will make a significant contribution to their work, allowing them to continue achievable and long-term solutions to what can be a devastating situation for so many families.

Closer to home, we are thrilled to have become a Friend of the Cambridgeshire Community Foundation (CCF) whose aim is to harness Cambridgeshire’s success and economic performance to reduce inequity and social problems by empowering communities to help themselves.  CCF’s CEO, Michael O’Toole, came to our Cambridge Office in November and gave a talk to the team about the work that they do.  Several of the team are planning to complete charitable acts of kindness over the next year and we will be giving them the time to do this.

Other ways in which we raise money for charities have included wearing Christmas jumpers and money collected has been for Save the Children.  Additionally some of the bakers in the office have brought in goodies where the money raised has been donated to Children in Need.

MM Wealth aim to continue with our policy of giving to charities that help alleviate poverty.

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