Passing on your wealth

Protecting your legacy when passing on your wealth

Relax with peace of mind knowing that your assets will be safely transferred to loved ones.

It’s understandable that you would want to preserve your wealth and pass it on to your loved ones without overpaying taxes to HMRC.

Our financial planners have the expertise and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of estate and inheritance tax planning to ensure the effective transfer of assets as per your wishes.

Strategic estate and inheritence tax planning: safeguarding your legacy and wishes

Effective estate and inheritance tax planning can play an important part in protecting your legacy and making sure your money ends up with the people you want, for the reasons you choose. 

There are many tax-efficient ways in which you can pass on your wealth to others  

  • Gifting 
  • Writing a Will 
  • Leaving an inheritance  
  • Setting up Trusts 
  • Transferring a pension to a nominated person on your death  
  • Charitable gifts and donations  

Whatever your aspirations are for passing on your wealth, we can help you put in place a financial plan to help achieve your goals. 

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